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Excluding E-Signature Pages from Caching in Mainflow

Enabling caching on your site can enhance speed and performance, but caching should be disabled for all Mainflow E-Signature document pages to prevent issues with signing and document access.

Steps to Exclude E-Signature Pages from Caching: #

  1. Identify the URLs for:
    • Each page on your site that has an assigned standalone document.
    • The E-Signature default page (found under Mainflow > Settings > E-Signature Page).
  2. Exclude these pages from caching using your caching settings.

How to Exclude Pages Based on Your Setup: #

  • Using a caching tool? Look for a URL Exclusion setting and add the identified pages.
  • Using server-side caching? Share the list of URLs with your hosting provider to have them excluded.

💡 Pro Tip: If your signers see the error message “You are not allowed to sign this agreement”, caching is likely the cause. Exclude the necessary pages and flush your cache to resolve the issue.
