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Google Calendar/Meet integration with Mainflow

Mainflow offers seamless integration with Google Calendar and Google Meet, enhancing your scheduling process and efficiency. There are two methods for integrating Google Calendar with Mainflow, which we will walk you through.

Default Verified App #

Unlike other appointment solutions, Mainflow comes with a default verified app for easy Google Calendar integration.

To use this, go to Settings and switch to Google Calendar/Meet. Then, choose Default Verified App and set your caching time. The recommended setting is 5 minutes however, you can set any duration.

fluentbooking google calendar integration

In the Calendars section, select the host whose booking events you want to sync with Google Calendar/Meet. If you don’t have a host, check out our documentation for instructions on creating one. Then, navigate to the Host Settings > Remote Calendar of that host and click Connect with Google Calendar/Meet.

To sync your host’s Mainflow events with their Google Calendar/Meet, add your host’s Google Account.

Next, grant Mainflow the necessary permissions and click Continue.

That’s all it takes to integrate Google Calendar with Mainflow! You can now select your calendar and check for conflicts to prevent double bookings.

Own App (Not Recommended) #

Alternatively, you can use our own app to integrate Google Calendar. Here are the steps below:

Create or Select Project #

First, go to the Google Cloud Console and here you have to select a project. You can create a new project too.

For creating a new project click on the New Project button here.

Give a name to your project and press the Create button.

You will see a project create confirmation on your notification panel. Now select your project here.

Configuring 0Auth Consent #

Go to the APIs & Services and select the OAuth consent screen

Here you have to select the Internal user type and click on the Create button. 

Note: If you’re not using Google Workspace, select External User. Please be aware that the External user type app may break integration with mainflow in one to two weeks.

Here you will see four steps to complete the OAuth consent screen. In the first step, you have to give the App name, User Support Email, Authorized domain, and Developer Contact information then click on the Save & Continue button.

You can simply Save and Continue the other three steps.

After completing the above steps you have to publish the app. Just click on the Publish App button.

Enabling Google Calendar API #

Now go to the Library and enable the Google Calendar API.

Here search for the Google Calendar API and simply enable it.

Create Credentials #

Now go to your project and select Create Credentials > OAuth client ID

Here you need to create a web application to get your credentials.

Now you need the Authorized redirect URL of FluentBooking. Go to Settings > Google Calendar of your mainflow plugin and you will get the redirect URL.

Copy the URL and paste it into the Authorized redirect URL field.

After that click on the Create button and a pop-up will show up with the necessary credentials.

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from here.

Configuring Admin Google Calendar #

To use Google Calendar/Meet integration, you must add an Admin Google Calendar/Meet account in Mainflow.

Go to Mainflow Settings > Google Calendar and paste the credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) to link Mainflow with Google Calendar/Meet. Afterward, click Save Google API Configuration, and you will see a success notification.

To sync your booking events with Google Calendar/Meet, connect your Google account to your host profiles.

Configuring Host Google Calendar #

Once the Admin Google Calendar account is set up, you can add Google Calendar/Meet accounts for individual hosts. Hosts can also add their own Google accounts to synchronize their booking events with Google Calendar/Meet. There’s no need to reconfigure Google OAuth credentials for each host since the authenticator app is already connected. Hosts can link multiple Google accounts to manage their events.

To synchronize your booking events, go to Calendars > Host Settings > Remote Calendars, and click Connect with Google Calendar/Meet.

Log in or select the Google account you wish to sync with your Mainflow events.

You will see a warning saying, “Google hasn’t verified this app”. Just click on “Advanced” just like in the screenshot below:

Now click on “Go to {}” and it will take you to the next step.

Lastly, select all checkboxes then click on Continue and your integration will be completely done.

Congrats! You have successfully completed your integration with Google Calendar/Meet. Now Select the Remote Calendar and Enable it just like the below:

Your bookings can be found on your Google Calendar, just like in the below screenshot:
