Managing Project Users & Permissions

There are 4 Project Manager roles which are: Project Administrator, Project Manager, Project User and Project Frontend User which are all customizable by administrators to edit their permissions.

Managing user permissions:

You can manage the permissions for the different roles by navigating to Project Manager > Settings > General Settings under the Permissions section.

From here you can edit the permissions for each role and add or remove them as necessary. Below is a brief overview of the permissions:

  • All Capabilities: This gives access to all Project Manager capabilities listed below
  • View Tasks: Determines whether a user can view all tasks
  • View Assigned Tasks: Determines whether a user can view only tasks assigned to them
  • Create Tasks: Determines whether a user can create tasks
  • Edit Tasks: Determines whether a user can edit and update task details
  • View Projects: Determines whether a user can view all projects
  • View Assigned Projects: Determines whether a user can view only projects that they are members of
  • Create Projects: Determines whether a user can create projects
  • Edit Projects: Determines whether a user can edit and update a projects fields and details
  • Create Milestones: Determines whether a user can create milestones
  • Edit Milestones: Determines whether a user can edit or update a milesone
  • Page Specific Permissions: There are permission settings for each different frontend page and when removed from the capabilities, the users will not have access to the removed pages

Allowing users to only view their own projects and tasks:

This can be done by giving the users the following permissions and then they will only be able to view their own tasks and projects as well as edit their own tasks and projects:

  • View Assigned Tasks (Note that ‘View Tasks’ should be removed as it overrides this permission)
  • View Assigned Projects (Note that ‘View Projects’ should be removed as it overrides this permission)